UC research on whole orchard recycling (WOR) has generated numerous scientific and industry publications, workshops and grower field days, and other outputs and events to extend new information to growers and other stakeholders. Explore below to see current and past events, publications, and industry magazine articles about WOR.
Featured Outreach
Webinar: Whole Orchard Recycling in Almonds and Its Effects on Orchard Productivity and Greenhouse Gas Footprints
Have you wondered what to do with all that wood after orchard removal? Have you been curious about chipping and recycling whole trees back into the orchard soil, but weren’t sure what the effects might be on your soil and the next planting?
Topics included:
- Productivity in the next generation of almond trees
- Nutrient management requirements
- Effects on soil health and water holding capacity
- Effects on disease potential
- The potential for reducing the “carbon footprint” of an orchard
- Dr. Amelie Gaudin, UC Davis
- Dr. Emad Jahanzad, UC Davis
- Dr. Brent Holtz, UCCE San Joaquin County
- Dr. Greg Browne, USDA ARS
- Dr. Elias Marvinney, UC Davis

Publication: Whole Orchard Recycling Factsheet
This printable 2-page factsheet gives a brief introduction of whole orchard recycling, including: on-farm benefits of whole orchard recycling; nutrient use considerations and recommendations with whole orchard recycling; cost considerations; and incentive programs. Click here to view the factsheet.

Podcast: Whole Orchard Recycling with Brent Holtz
Listen to UC ANR's Growing the Valley podcast, which features a 13-minute interview with Dr. Brent Holtz sharing his studies on the benefits of whole orchard recycling. Click here to listen.